Lessons That Make Cents decorative banner September 2024

Celebrating Coins, Space, and Technology

Monthly Mint Trivia: What is the technical term for the words inscribed on the side of a coin? (Hint: American Innovation $1 coins have this feature.)

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Blast Off With STEM Resources

Alabama American Innovation dollar reverse cartoonThis year the Mint celebrates the incredible Saturn V rocket through the Alabama American Innovation $1 Coin. In 1969, the world watched as a Saturn V rocket launched the Apollo 11 mission to the Moon, allowing American astronauts to become the first to walk on its surface. Many coins and medals have celebrated our country’s incredible achievements in aerospace, science, and technology. To make those coins, the Mint uses the most advanced technology.

Read on for ways you can use coins to uplift STEM this September and beyond.

Coins and Science

The Mint and Coin-Making

  • Mint Minute Video (YouTube): Quick overview of the Mint as an agency.
  • How Coins are Made for Kids Video (YouTube): Animated video explaining how the Mint produces our nation’s coinage
  • Virtual Tour Videos for Philadelphia Mint and Denver Mint (YouTube): See how coins are made in the U.S. Mint’s two largest production facilities.
  • U.S. Mint Virtual Tour Mobile App on Google Play and Apple App Store: Get an inside look at how coins are made through this interactive virtual tour experience. Plus, check out the extension activity (PDF) for students to complete alongside the app.
  • Coin Stamper Game (Grade 4+): Students will learn about different types of coins as they try to make the most money.
  • Making Change (Grades K-3): Students can design and print out their own coin in this game.

Want more ideas? Reach out to education.outreach@usmint.treas.gov for recommendations on lesson plans and activities for your students.

Coin of the Month: 2024 American Innovation $1 Coin – Alabama

American Innovation $1 Coin - Alabama obverse and reverseThe American Innovation $1 Coin representing Alabama recognizes the invention of the Saturn V rocket. NASA developed the Saturn V rocket to support the Apollo space program for human exploration to the Moon, launching 13 Saturn V rockets between 1967 and 1973. The Saturn V rocket was designed and built at the George C. Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, under the supervision of aerospace engineer Wernher von Braun. During launch, the rocket generated 7.6 million pounds of thrust – more power than 85 Hoover Dams.

The reverse (tails) design of this $1 coin depicts the power and force of the Saturn V rocket lifting off with the Moon in the background.

Packaging Robots

Watch how the Mint uses robots to package coins in Denver.

Play Space Supply

space cartoon

Learn about coins in space with this free online game.

AWQ Coin Boards

quarters on a board cartoon

Request 2022, 2023, or 2024 coin boards from the U.S. Mint catalog website.

We Want to Hear from You!

coin coloring book pagesAre you interested in incorporating coins into your classroom next year, but aren’t sure where to start? Let us help you! The U.S. Mint offers K-6 lesson plans, online educational games, videos, online quizzes, a free Coin Coloring Book, and other resources. Reach out to us at education.outreach@usmint.treas.gov to request resources that fit your education needs.

Trivia Answer: “Edge lettering” is the term for words on the edge of a coin.